


Andrea Pramuk framing in her studio

Framing large oversize work requires that your studio layout is well organized. In addition you need to have the proper equipment and tools. Pramuk takes us into her studio to show us how she does her framing for an exhbition.

Additional tip:
She did tell us that the adjustable sawhorses make all the difference in her workspace for both framing and painting big. They are not a huge investment ($35-$50/pair)  and they fold up when she's not working in the big area of the space.

new Ordering Section

We have redesigned our ordering section to include step by step instructions for ordering frames and all of our components. We have added photos, information, and calculators to ensure your order is customized to your specifications. Each step can be expanded to show you all of your options.

ordering options

new Product Section

If you are not sure which profile would be best to frame your artwork, we have added a new section  with additional photographs and detailed descriptions of when each profile is most commonly used to ensure that you select the best frame for your exhibition.

standard gallery frames
GALLERY FLOATING FRAMES FOR ART ON PAPER- PROFILE 101 Fine Art Frames with 1/2" spacer & 3/4" strainer fine art frames floating frames art on paper

The 101 profile is our most popular. It is used for matted presentations as well as  "float" presentations on mat board. These custom wood frames are designed to accommodate a 1/2" spacer and a 3/4" strainer. When combined with a strainer they can be used on very large pictures. All our gallery frames are available in all of our woods and  finishes.


View our new galleries for inspiration.  We are featuring our customer's exhibitions and framing choices to give you ideas on how to frame your exhibits.

If you have an upcoming exhibition and would like to be featured on our blog and/or customer galleries, click on these links to see what you need to submit: Blog Submissions | Customer Gallery Submissions

Connie Connally: Wild By Nature
1/11/20 - 2/15/20 George Billis Gallery Los Angeles, CA
Connie Connally: Wild By Nature 1/11/20 - 2/15/20 George Billis Gallery Los Angeles, CA
Connie Connally Windflower II 2019 30x30 oil on canvas
Connie Connally Windflower II 2019 30x30 oil on canvas
121 unfinished maple
121 unfinished maple


With our new state of the art equipment we can now offer all of our profiles in all our woods. Since all of our frames are custom finished, you now have 1000's of choices to ensure your exhibition is beautifully presented. Click to see our complete wood and finish selection.

00 unfinished maple


00 unfinished cherry


00 unfinished walnut






custom gallery frames
Cherry floater frames


Metropolitan has completely converted from  lacquer-based to water-based finishes. Most finishes will look the same with the exception of our clear finishes, which maintains the wood's more natural unfinished look and will not yellow over time.

water based clear finish on maple
water based clear finish on maple